Plumbing:Co-operation for development – the best contractors.

The Empire group started construction of the Coco Bay project – the first and biggest entertainment-cum-hospitality complex in the central region – in the central city on June 5. The complex of the Coco Bay project will be built in Da Nang City. it will include resort, conference,… opera house and entertainment club…

Control system of NZE in civil homes.

The 2030 Challenge is challenging us, the design community, to design energy efficient buildings to meet the following criteria: all new building, developments and major renovations shall be designed to meet a fossil fuel, GHG-emitting, energy consumption performance standard of 50% of the regional (or county) average of that building type.

The fossil fuel reduction standard for all new building shall be increased to:

60% in 2010

70% in 2015

80% in 2020

90% in 2025

Carbon-neutral in 2030

The ultimate goal is the Net Zero Building or a building that produces the same amount of energy in a year that the building consumes.

Solar panels are installed next to the houses

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